Friday, July 17, 2009

oh, sweet summer and sunshine

the top is down, the pool is open, and my library card is getting a workout. those are the sweet smells of summer... along with that ever present dr. pepper and french fries covered in ketchup. when the whistle blows for adult swim, i always smell it. oh, those sweet summer afternoons at the pool. under those big trees at the wooden picnic tables. crinkle cut fries and ice pops.

i love you summer. i love everything about you. the heat and the sun and the clouds and the rain. i love everything about you. beach chairs and towels and wet bathing suits hanging over railings. sunscreen and ice tea, sweet corn, peaches and tomatoes.

i will love you forever summer. you carry sweet memories and hot sand and happiness.

you also carry mosquitoes. and i hate you mosquitoes. but you know what, i'll take you, if I get all those other things too. anyday.

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